Tis the season to make changes. This is a time when many of us reflect on our last year and think about what we can do to make make some improvements in our life. It goes without saying that in our country the most common type of New Year's Resolution is health/fitness related.
Now with that said, how many of us actually reach these goals? How many years have you had the same goal? "Get in better shape." "Lose 10..15..20 pounds." "Run a half marathon." "Eat healthier." Let's make December 2010 the year you look back at and can see that you actually achieved your goals.
There are a few simple, but crucial, steps to take that can help you reach your health and fitness goals this year.
1- Define your Goal: actually give numbers. (ie: lose 20 lbs. by April 1st...or take 5 minutes off my race time...or do 15 pushups from my feet.)
2- Make a Plan: map out the small goals you need to reach to accomplish that ultimate goal
3- Get Accountability: include other people in your goals so that you can have support and people to keep you in check (ie: family, friends, coworkers, a personal trainer).
These three small steps will undoubtably help you. You have to remember that this is YOUR New Year's Resolution. Only if YOU are truly committed and if YOU are ready to go for it, will YOU succeed.
I am here to help you. Check out www.afitplace.com and let me, Jenny LaBaw, help you reach your goals through workout and nutrition coaching and guidance.
Commit to be fit!
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