Life has been CRAZY the last several days. Since Friday (my last post), we spent the weekend down in Brentwood, CA for Marcus' pro water ski event. The tourny went well and Marcus skied phenomenal. Water skiers at his level are some of the most outstanding athletes I have ever seen. You have to see it to believe it and if you've never tried slalom skiing yourself, there's no explaining the difficulty of it.
After the tournament we headed back to Chico and were running around with our heads cut off trying to get our Face to Face Tour (www.facetofacetour.com) big rig unpacked and cleaned spick and span. On top of all of our "to do's" we had company from an hour after we got back from Brentwood until we left yesterday afternoon. We hired a friend to come get it yesterday and drive it back to San Antonio, TX. After unloading the truck, we had to load up our van to head north for 2 weeks. We are currently on the road to Abbotsford, BC for the final pro event (picture is of our new tour rig). Prelims are tomorrow and finals are on Saturday.
Needless to say, with all the hustle and bustle my "free time" was dedicated to working out at the expense of my blog postings.
My workouts for the last several days consisted of the following:
Saturday 9/12/09
*Row: 20 min WU
*15,12,9,6,3 reps each exercise
BOSU pushups jumps
Body Squats
Row Sprint 1min/45sec/30sec/15sec (in order between each round)
*Row 20 min
Sunday 9/13/09
Supposed to be my off day but it was BEAUTIFUL out and I had a friend to jog with around the lake at the tournament...so I couldn't pass it up. Thanks for the jog Sandi!
*Jog 30 min easy (about 3.5 miles)
Monday 9/14/09
Got up early with about 4 hours of sleep under my belt because we were supposed to do a photo shoot for HO Skis with our friend and world famous downhill skier, Glen Plake (known for his mohawk). But, we got up to UNUSUAL rainy weather and after much contemplation, the photo shoot was postponed until the afternoon so we could have good light. We all headed back to bed to try to get a little shut eye, but I couldn't fall back asleep. The plan was to go for a run, but I was feeling so groggy from lack of sleep, I could barely function. So...instead I spent the day cleaning out the rig. We headed to a different lake in Chico in the afternoon for the photo shoot and that's where I went for a jog just to get something in. I probably should have just taken the day off completely to let my body recover, but I just had to go move.
*Jog 30 min steady state
Tuesday 9/15/09
*Ride up Cohasset (hill climb) 1:45:12
*Stretch well in the park
*Cleaned/moved/packed/unpacked for 9 hours straight (ugh!!!)
Wednesday 9/16/09
Another crazy day trying to get everything ready to go for our road trip. Plans to leave by noon at the latest turned into actual departure time of 4:30. Isn't that how it always works though. Workout was put to the last, but I got it in and I pushed hard because I knew I was in a hurry to get done.
*Waterskied in the morning (9 passes). Tied my PB of 3 at 32mph. I felt strong. My 30mph passes felt easy as pie. Something must have clicked.
*Ran 2.5 miles hard...cut 2 minutes on my typical time on this route.
*Descending Reps 10-1 (60 reps total each exercise)
Kettle Bell Swings
Jump Squats
*Brief Stretch
So...moral of my last several days. It's been crazy busy!!! Lesson to you: You can always make room for a workout, no matter what your day is like. Just plan on it, set your mind to it, and start.
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