I've been a soccer player for most of my life and since college, I haven't been able to play competitively very much. After our summer travels for the our promotional waterski tour, Face to Face Tour (www.facetofacetour.com), I was ready to find a way to play again. When we found out we were going to be stationed in Silt, CO I called to the community center and found a league to play on.
Now, even though I've played my whole life, even at the collegiate level, I was a bit nervous to go play with a bunch of people I didn't know on an indoor court. But I wanted something different than running, the gym, and the bike. So...last week I made the plunge and did it. It was the BEST thing I've done for myself in a long time. I get to compete, I get to play my favorite sport, I get a great workout, and I get to have the time of my life for an hour every week. I also found out that on Tuesday nights there is are pick-up games going on...so really I get two nights a week to go have the time of my life! :)
Where I'm getting at with this is that there's nothing that says you have to get your exercise by strictly being in a gym going through the same ol' routine with the cardio machines and resistance equipment. Go to your community center or town hall and find active groups that may interest you. For example (runnin/wallking groups, masters swim classes, hiking groups). If there's nothing going on, be pro-active and start something yourself. Find a group of friends and start a weekly cross country ski group..or whatever. Be active, make it fun, and get others to do it with you!
On that note, I'm out the door to play soccer!
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