WOW...where did I go?? Sorry for falling off the face of the earth...things have been crazy in my life. I don't have much time to post a whole lot right now, but wanted to get people ready for next week. I am going to be posting (in detail) what my days are like....sleep, workouts, food intake (recipes included), stressors, relaxers...pretty much how my life works. I am going to show how my lifestyle choices effect me positively or negatively and why. I am going to give tips on how to make better decisions for your health on a daily basis. I am going to lead you through a week from the viewpoint of a 28 year-old personal trainer, coach, athlete, girlfriend, and mom (to a VERY active yellow lab :).
Please post anything you'd like to hear about, questions you have, or just say hi.
Stay tuned...
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