Sorry for the late post for yesterday...our internet was down last night so I had to wait until this morning to get up Monday's blog.
Today has been a great day in sunny Northern California. I am fairly new to Chico, CA (been here for about 4 months now) and I seriously thought I was going to melt this summer. Literally! But it's cooling off and the air is crisp in the morning...I LOVE IT!
The day started with that lovely 5am wake up call, but once my eyes adjusted to being open, I headed out the door. I didn't mention this before, but one avenue of my personal training business is that I travel to people's homes. It's very convenient for my early morning clients who have kids that are still in bed at that time, but want to get their workout in before work. So my 5:30 and 6:45 clients rocked their Tuesday workouts and then it was my turn. I busted butt over to Upper Bidwell Park here in Chico and hit the mtn bike trails for about an hour. The riding here is pretty rough because it's full of rock (lots of loose rock), but it forces you to be alert and be in the moment when you're riding. After my ride, I jetted to the gym for a workout. I work out at a gym here in town called Norcal Strength and Conditioning. It's great to go in there and be told what to do in the classes. I program for people all day long, so it's nice to go just do a workout and not have to think about it or set it up for myself. My workout went as follows...
35 min - (I got in 6 rounds)
5 x Hang Clean 35# dumbbells
10 x Jumping Pullups
20 x Box Jumps (24 in box)
30 sec Hollow Rock
40 sec Single Leg Plank (20 sec ea leg)
1 x 100m sprint or 2 x long shuttles (I alternated each round)
After a good stretch, I came home ravenous so busted out my go-to breakfast. I waited too long to eat today, but didn't want to eat before I worked out.
Scrambled 2 eggs with chicken sausage and veggies (zucchini, broccoli, red peppers, green onions). I also had 1/2 avocado and some strawberries. After breakfast I was still a bit hungry so I snacked on a hard boiled egg.

A grilled chicken salad consisting of grilled chicken (pre cooked this weekend), baby greens, cherry tomatoes, carrots and cucumber all from our local farmers market. Delicious!

The last of my prepared chicken breasts from this weekend, 2 slices of tomato from my garden, 1/2 avocado and some steamed broccoli.

Gotta finish a few things before I'm off to bed. Running on too little of sleep the last couple nights, my goal is to be in bed by 8:30 for 8.5 hours of sleep tonight. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow! :)
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